306 S. Barstow Street, Suite 111
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Triniteam Inc. provides residential structured living services for persons in the corrections system, helping individuals make a successful transition from jail or prison, back into the community. Triniteam Inc. currently operates two four-bed Transitional Housing Service units in Eau Claire, as well as 18 beds of Transitional Housing in Wausau.
Respite Care
Structured Living
Case Management
Needs Assessments
Information & Referral
Volunteer Coordination
Individualized Service Planning
Substance Use Monitoring/DrugTesting
Triniteam Inc. has partnered with LE Phillips Career Development Center Inc. (CDC) and other organizations to provide services for people who are homeless in Chippewa County. At the Triniteam/CDC Outreach Center in Chippewa Falls (508 N. Bridge Street) individuals can get help accessing resources for food, clothing and job training, as well as receive temporary shelter vouchers and other Housing Assistance & Intervention. The Center opened in December 2014. See link below for related article.